"Victorian" is now a hot fashion trend in women circle! More and more women dress themselves in Victorian clothing style and apply a same make up in that era - women era! I will talk something about Victorian Princee make up today and you can have a read which will teach you how to apply yourself a Victorian make up.
Face: Moisturize face is preferred in Victorian woman make up. So you need to a basic make up foundation: a few lighter or mix anything which will help you have a white face! Apply foundation all over the face with a sponge. Also covers lips completely! Cheeks - you need give yourself a circule blush which can be achieved with a round brush! Gently sswirl around in the lid and press to the centre of a cheek!
Eyes: sweep the eyeliner across the lid and into the eye crease then blend out lightly! Draw a thin line alone top lashes with a black eye pencil then draw a staight line under the eyes and extending outward! Drawing your eyebrows with black or brown shadow which will give you a rounder shape!

Lips: Hearted-shaped lips is common on Victorian girls. I like this cute lips shape! Don't you? It is can be done so easy! Apply a red lipstick and pay attention to give your lips a hearted shape!
You will have a beautiful Victorian make up if you follow the steps i share with you! Having a try now then put on a Victorian dress, you will be the most shiny woman today!

Victorian Fashion trends in British Culture which emerged and developed in Victorian era and the regin of Queen Victoria! This kind of clothing style is loved by most of the female because it represents elegance and grandeur which commonly worn by the wealth people or people in a high class! But today, it is a special clothing style which can be worn by everyone who loves it!
As we know, Victorian fashion created by Queen Victoria in England so woman dresses was very elaborated! They have many colors and clothes are cut in a style which can help women show out their good figure shape! Lace is also a necessary decoration for Victorian clothing style!
When people mention Punk, most of the people will bring a "scene" to mind: a teenager wears a leather suit, having some obvious body pieces, some accessories made uo of rivets or skulls and in a colourful spicky hair! Aren't you? Our theme today is "what is Punk Fashion?"

Punk Fashion is a clothing style which clothing style, hairstyles, jewelry and body pieces are different from other fashion clothing! In former, Punk fashion is popular among teenagers - as we know, this special group is in a special ages phase - REVOIT!!! But now, punk fashion is loved by more and more peole in different ages not only teenagers! Cool Punk Clothes, Cool Yourself!!!


"How to be a different peope?" must be a common problem for people who wants to be alternative! Do you want to be different from others? I beleive most of you will say "sure"! So i believe most of you must hear about "Gothic"! Today, our topic is "What is Gothic Fashion?"

In a simple word, if you want to be different, dress yourself in a different clothing style! Gothic clothing will help you to be different through its special clothing design! Detailed Introduction: Gothic fashion is special due to its dark colors, mysterious and complex features - this kind of clothes worn by members who involves in gothic subculture! Black Color: as we know, black is the common color for Gothic fashion - black hair, black lips and black clothes - both man and woman are the same! Also, dark red, dark purple are also some common colors for this alternative fashion! This kind of fashion has some features of Punks, Victorians and Elizabethans!

    Unique Fashion Collection

    Hello, everyone! I am a girl who loves unique things so i pay more attention to latest alternative fashion information - Gothic, Punk, Lolita, Medieval and Victorian! Wishing more of you will join in me!


    Gothic Everything

    Punk Fashion


    January 2014



    Gothic Everything